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大天使加百列(Archangel Gabriel)


  1. 名字的意義:神是我的力量,神的信使

  2. 特長:治療懷孕與分婉時期,療愈對新計畫的焦慮感

  3. 光暈顏色:銅色

  4. 對應水晶:黃水晶

  5. 天使訊息:創意書寫、領導力、滋養

  6. 協助:協助所有人間的訊息傳達者,例如:作家、老師和記者。召喚加百列克服有關溝通上的恐懼或拖延,或是任何有關受精、領養小孩、懷孕和兒童早期各方面的問題。

  7. 掌管的脈輪能量:海底輪,臍輪。

Gabriel is one of two archangels specifically named in the Bible (the other being Michael). In the Old Testament's Book of Daniel, Gabriel appears to Daniel to help him understand his visions of the future. In the New Testament's Gospels, Gabriel appears in the Book of Luke in famous scenes called the Annunciation, because the archangel announces the forthcoming births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Scriptural roles underscore Gabriel's mission as the supreme messenger of God, and why this archangel is the patron saint of communications workers.

Artists throughout time have portrayed the angel in the Annunciation and other images of Gabriel with feminine features, long hair, flowing gowns, and if you look closely at the Renaissance paintings—a feminine figure. Perhaps this is because Gabriel is so closely aligned with the Divine feminine situations of pregnancy, birth, and communication.

When To Call On Archangel GABRIEL

Gabriel and Mother Mary work closely together to minister to sensitive children. They guide conceptions, adoptions, pregnancies, births, and the raising of children. Because Gabriel is deeply concerned about children's welfare, the archangel mentors responsible and loving adults who wish to help the young. If you feel called to work with children in any capacity, please ask Gabriel to help you.Gabriel helps earthly messengers such as teachers, counselors, writers, artists, and actors. This archangel acts like a Heavenly agent and manager who motivates you to polish your skills. Gabriel then opens the door of opportunity for you to work in your chosen career, and gives you a loving push through it if you hesitate.

Gabriel's halo is copper colored, like the angel's symbolic trumpet. If you see flashes or sparkles of copper light, or if you find yourself suddenly attracted to this metal, this is a sign that you're working with Archangel Gabriel.

Color: Copper
Crystal or Gemstone: Copper

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