
大天使漢尼爾(Archangel Haniel)
In the Kabbalah, Haniel presides over the seventh, or Netzach, Sephirah (emanation of God's will). This sphere is related to victory and represents our inner world of intuition, imagination, and emotions.
The Netzach Sephirah marks the beginning of humans' free will, and the expression of endurance and tenacity. It is the embodiment of earthly love. Archangel Haniel radiates inner qualities outwardly like the full moon. Mysterious and feminine, Haniel has been revered since the Babylonian era, which tied astronomy into religion.
When To Call On Archangel HANIEL
Archangel Haniel can help you develop your intuition and clairvoyance, as well as any aspect of sacred feminine energy. It's very effective to call upon Haniel during the full moon, especially if there's anything you'd like to release or heal. Haniel can particularly help with women's issues.
As the expression of the inner world of intuition, Archangel Haniel is a supportive guide for those who wish to develop their spiritual gifts, like clairvoyance. Her bluish white halo color reminds me of the moon, and wearing moonstone can both amplify intuitive transmissions and also help you feel connected to Haniel.
Men as well as women can benefit from connecting to this archangel, as men also have feminine energy (just like women have male energy). Haniel can help members of both sexes awaken and trust their inner guidance.
Color: Pale Blue (Moonlight)
Crystal or Gemstone: Moonstone